• +91 6385721049 / +91 7806912435

Welcome to Jack & Jean Fitness Center

Master Mr. Prabu MA, PG Diploma in GYM Instructor, BSS Certified Trainer., 20 Years in Fitness Trainer and Body Building Motivationar, Nutrition and Diet Therapist, Achieve in Mr Tamilnadu and Mr India Participate

Our smart approach
  • Unisex Gym and Fitness Center
  • 24 Hours Opening
  • Strength Workout and Cardio Session
  • Nutrition and Diet Support
  • Supplement Guidence and Cosulting

Our Best Services


Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift


Weightlifting, is a sport a maximum-weight Single lift of a Barbell loaded with Weight Plates.

Strength Workout

Strength Training, also called Weight Training or Resistance Training Stronger and also Builds Muscle Endurance

Cardio Workout

Cardiovascular exercise, also known as cardio or aerobic exercise, is essential for good health

Supplement Product

Bodybuilders, Athletes, Martial Arts Professionals, Physical Trainers or Even Sportspeople Supplement

Nutrition and Diet

Combination of Proteins, Carbohydrates, fats along with Minerals and Vitamins, you are eating a Balanced Diet

GYM Gallery

Our Trainer

Master Mr. Prabu, MA., PG Diploma in GYM Instructor., BSS Certified Trainer.

Jack And Jean Fitness Gym, Muthiah Nagar Entrance Opposite, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, Cuddalore (Dt) Tamil Nadu - 608002 Cell: +91 9600826641 / +91 7806912435